News News Father General Arturo Sosa SJ Visits the Euro-Mediterranean Province

Father General Arturo Sosa SJ Visits the Euro-Mediterranean Province

The tour of some works of the Euro-Mediterranean Province by Father Arturo Sosa SJ, General In these days, Father Arturo Sosa SJ, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, continues his journey to various Works of the Euro-Mediterranean Province. 

Having already visited Palermo in 2017 and Trieste in 2018, this year Father General has so far visited the Paulo Freire Institute in Zejtun, the Loyola House in Naxxar, the Jesuit Refugee Service in Rome, and Gozo, in the Retreat House. During his visit to St. Aloysius College in Malta on May 10th, he also celebrated Mass with the students, teachers, and staff present. On May 17, Father General will be at the Pjetër Meshkalla Institute in Scutari

These different encounters with Father General, who has held the role since October 14th, 2016, represent the occasion to understand the various realities operating in the EUM territory and to deepen knowledge by engaging with leaders and discussing current and future challenges. ‘A precious opportunity to closely understand needs and responses to current emergencies, support the ongoing process, and identify future steps’, emphasizes Father Provincial Roberto Del Riccio SJ. 

Particularly enriching was the day at St. Aloysius College in Malta, where students had the chance to learn about the person and life of Father General and share reflections and insights on education and the Ignatian approach. 

Father Sosa’s presence is guidance and inspiration, in a crucial moment of reflection and discernment on our collective future. The purpose of the visit is manifold and primarily aims to foster closer ties with present Jesuits, the network of Ignatian collaborators, friends, and the local ecclesial community. It’s a unique opportunity, allowing a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by the Society in the territories of our Province, visiting various works and apostolic communities’, affirms Father Michael Bugeja, EUM Delegate for Formation. 

As the Network of the Institutes of the EUM Region, we want to thank Father General for dedicating his time to our realities, which strive every day to spread the values of the Society. 
