In July 2017, close to the end of its first term (its first three years of operation), the Jesuit Education Foundation finished a long and challenging work of outlining the various “Guidelines” that indicate an Ignatian educational project for the schools of the network.
The Foundation offers in the Guidelines a concrete declination of an Ignatian project for the school, on the other hand the participating schools commit themselves to apply them.
This is how we understand that the Guidelines are not rules to be followed, but rather indications of a path to be followed and in which we proactively commit ourselves and on which we also accept to be “Ignatianly” evaluated. In concrete terms, they offer a framework for being or becoming a “school of Ignatian identity.
The first two volumes of the Guidelines focus on the many aspects that make up the educational mission of an Ignatian school: Formation, Curriculum, Pastoral, Management, Governance, Technology.
The first two volumes of the Guidelines are being supplemented and updated in February 2021 with the publication of a third volume. The third volume confirms, enriches, and updates the 2017 texts.
Volume 3 of the Guidelines contains a part dedicated precisely to the updating and completion of Volumes 1 and 2 and another that collects documents that deal with themes and processes that had not found space in Volumes 1 and 2 (Ignatian Identity, Human Resources Management, Communication and Fundraising, Ignatian Sports Centers).
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