The current moment in Western society gives educational institutions, and schools in particular, an indispensable central role.
The school is an important apostolic instrument of service to the younger generations and to the future of our world.
Faced with increasingly complex, global and interconnected challenges, today we are called upon to act innovatively and openly beyond the boundaries of our own geographical and cultural traditions.
It is therefore necessary to apply with professionalism and impartiality every instrument useful to enhance and strengthen the resources for the excellence of the educational action and the accompaniment of the person in all its dimensions so that he/she becomes able to grow in authenticity and fullness and to engage responsibly in society, with and for others.
All schools and institutes that are members of the Jesuit Education Foundation share a common VISION:
“Jesuit Education Foundation schools are committed to forming global citizens who are competent, conscious, compassionate, and committed to meeting the challenges of their time with creativity and boldness, in the way of Jesus Christ, in welcoming dialogue with all other religious perspectives, and caring for others, especially those most in need, and for the world, our common home, according to justice, love, and peace.”
Each member institution then freely adopts its own MISSION, specific to its context of reference, its strategic planning, consistent with the shared common vision.
The specific MISSION of the Jesuit Education Foundation is:
To safeguard over time and develop creatively the identity, the human resources and the material patrimony of the educational institutions of the Society of Jesus, guaranteeing their renewal and their ever greater Ignatian qualification. And this in a style of growing co-responsibility between Jesuits and lay people, in line with the 35th General Congregation and in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
At the same time, the Foundation will act as a point of reference and interlocutor for the Society of Jesus with regard to other educational institutions worthy of support in the territory of the Province that wish to be inspired by the principles and methods of Ignatian pedagogy.
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