

How to support us Companies

We want to create and/or offer opportunities to companies that create a real and mutual benefit where reciprocity is valued according to the need, interest, and mutual opportunities.

How can you contribute?

There are several ways to be a protagonist.

Liberal donation

Supporting our schools and projects, no commitment and return in terms of tax advantage.

Liberal donations

Support for a specific Project or co-design

Identify a project of your interest among the ones listed or let’s build together from scratch a project that could be right for you in order to make the most of your commitment. Let’s talk about it together.

Support for a specific Project or co-design

Identify a project of your interest among the ones listed or let’s build together a project that could be right for you in order to make the most of your commitment. Let’s talk about it together.

Corporate Volunteering

Corporate volunteering is a tool suited to the needs of companies sensitive to a policy of sustainable development and Social Responsibility. The way of volunteering is both presence and digital. Let’s talk about it together.

Skills Volunteering

If you’re a professional, you can volunteer some of your professional time and help us grow through your involvement. There are many things to do within a school, ask us how you can be useful.

Special Occasions

A company dinner, Christmas, a retirement, a special event, all occasions to raise funds and support our projects.

Cobranding actions

Support education through a variety of activities, both co-marketing and brand visibility, for example, during 5×1000. There are many ways to do co-branding and all of them can give a major return to the company, from a notoriety standpoint, with an impact on revenue.

Corporate/Special Events

Organize events in your company and involve us as beneficiaries of your partners’ generosity.

Company Internship

Another way in which you can lend a hand to the project of the Foundation is to train our most deserving young people with a stage: we believe that the link between school and the world of work should be strengthened more and more. Several initiatives are already underway -an example is the collaboration started by Leone XIII with Vodafone – and are giving good results, as well as the days of orientation in which many professionals make themselves available to the students (at school or in their studies) to get them into the heart of their activities.

Fiscal advantages

The liberal donations to the Jesuit Education Foundation by the business world and VAT numbers is deductible from the total income with a limit of 2% of the declared business income (Regulatory source: Article 100 paragraph 2 letter a) of TUIR).

If you want to involve your company in a project of proximity of great value and in favor of younger generations, write us to make an appointment or for more information:

Alternatively, you can contact directly the Secretariat of our Foundation at: 02 366 30 463.

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