Invitation to the Network in memory of Giulia

Dear Directors,
the news of the past few days has once again brought to the forefront one of the emerging and most urgent issues of recent times, that of violence against women. The murder of Giulia Cecchettin, a young promising student, has shocked all of Europe not only for the brutality of the act but also for the young hand that struck, making it clear to everyone that this problem concerns not only the adult population but also the younger generations. It is precisely for this reason that the Jesuit Schools Network cannot avoid a concrete commitment to addressing this issue, seeking to lead everyone to constructive reflection and engagement in fostering respect in relationships between different genders.
In memory of Giulia and all women victims of violence, Minister Giuseppe Valditara wishes to invite the entire school community to observe a minute of silence at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, November 21st, an invitation that I extend to you, urging you to participate as Jesuit schools.
Furthermore, in anticipation of November 25th, the international day for the elimination of violence against women, established on December 17th, 1999, by the United Nations General Assembly, I invite you to find moments for reflection, sharing, and prayer with the students because only through a collective awareness can the seed of a new, more virtuous and respectful society towards others be born.
I remind you that the Global Educational Pact that already guides us includes, in one of its points, attention to the female world and issues of gender equality, and I suggest that this could be a starting point for any of your activities.
Good work.
P. Barretta