News News Albania. Forum Studenti Ignaziani 2020

Albania. Forum Studenti Ignaziani 2020

Forum Studenti Ignaziani

20 gli studenti coinvolti, tra i 15 e i 17 anni, provenienti da 4 scuole della nostra rete: Scutari, Milano, Palermo e Messina. Hanno partecipato anche alcuni ex alunni, per crescere insieme nell’identità di rete e come famiglia ignaziana. L’iniziativa fa parte delle proposte della Pastorale di rete della Fondazione Gesuiti Educazione, coordinata da P. Salvo Collura SJ.

Forum Studenti Ignaziani

Il Forum è alla sua seconda edizione e risponde alla sfida che l’acquisizione di competenze specifiche, di carattere didattico e disciplinare, pone agli ambiti pastorali e spirituali nelle nostre scuole e nella formazione degli studenti. In altri termini, cerca di stimolare una riflessione su questioni quali “può la fede costituirsi come prerequisito in un’analisi ambientale e in uno studio scientifico serio della realtà in uno qualsiasi dei suoi aspetti? Si può fare scienza da credenti? Possono le nostre osservazioni sulla realtà muovere da una coscienza di fede?”.

“La terra d’Albania, che fa parte della nostra Provincia Euromediterranea, ci sta accogliendo con affetto – dichiara P. Salvo Collura SJ – e bene si presta a sviluppare questi obiettivi che ci siamo dati. L’Albania, infatti, è rocca europea nei Balcani, ma anche testa di ponte con la cultura orientale e slava”.

“There are moments in our life where beauty becomes fear… where the light becomes shadow… A bridge is a challenge: you can pass to the other side but only if you accept the risk to go up, the risk to be in an unstable condition. The same in our world: the goal is to accept the contradiction in our lifestyle… open the eyes on them…In this way, we can dream something different… Something highest…”

Un  momento molto forte è stato il contatto con le zone colpite nei mesi scorsi dal terremoto, nella periferia di Scutari. I partecipanti al Forum hanno visitato i campi degli sfollati, ascoltato le storie, visto i danni del sisma, incontrato persone in difficoltà.

Alla fine del Forum i partecipanti hanno vissuto dei momenti di riflessione ignaziana, ripensando insieme a quanto hanno visto e vissuto, anche per creare un piano strategico da realizzare la prossima estate, in Albania. In questa ultima fase di riflessione sono stati aiutati anche dal prof. Massimo Cermelli dell’università di Deusto.

Di seguito alcuni messaggi ricevuti al termine del Forum, dagli amici Albanesi che lo hanno ospitato.

“It was a very useful experience for me and I enjoyed it as much as it was possible. The friends we made and the moments we had were irreplaceable and I will try to keep in mind everything I learned during these days. I hope you liked Albania and had fun altogether ❤”

“I want to thank mother Valentina for giving me the chance to be part of this forum. I want to thank EVERY single one of you for being here with us, for leaving your home and come here and be part of this, for creating such beautiful moments and thank you for your love. I’ve discovered a lot of things about me and about my country and my religion. I hope and wish that we will meet again, but until then I wish you love and happiness, and live your life the best way that you can. Thank you!❤”

“I am so lucky to be part of Forum 2020. I really enjoy these days. All the activities were interesting. We met new friends and learned valuable lessons. I can not wait to return next year in Forum 2021”.

“These days have been amazing.we had really fun and we learned new things. The activities were really special. The best part of the forum is that we find really good friends. I hope next year I will come again to the forum but until then I wish you all the best”.

“This week was one of the best experiences of my life. Getting to know people from a different country and observing the way that they watched Albania. It was very fascinating because they never see these things in their country (extreme poverty, poor conditions, and cattle walking down the streets). While talking about religion was an amazing experience which makes you look at things differently and understand more about God and the strange way that he works.”

“These days have been amazing. We learned a lot, had fun and made new friends. It made me reflect and I am turning back home with clear thoughts. This experience will be unforgettable and I hope that everyone had as much fun as me. I also learned valuable lessons.I’m lucky to be part of Forum 2020. Can’t wait to be back next year and thank you mother Valentina”.

“I would like to thank all for making this experience unforgettable. You guys are very special!! I hope you the best.
I learned a lot during these days and I want to thank Beppe for giving me the chance to be part of this big family❤❤”

“These days were amazing because we meet new people and became friends with all of them and now that this experience is ending we all feel a little sad. This Forum taught us a lot of things that we will never forget. These days were unforgettable.”

