Sport and Intelligence

Sport and Intelligence

Would anyone ever have imagined throughout the history of mankind that the development of our intellectual faculties could depend to such a great extent on physical activities, and in particular on practising sports?… Read more
Si è concluso con successo Educare Allenando

Si è concluso con successo Educare Allenando

Sabato 18 giugno si è concluso il percorso ““Educare Allenando: un percorso formativo per educatori sportivi ignaziani”, che ha visto la partecipazione di 13 Educatori Sportivi provenienti dal Centro Schuster e dal Leone… Read more
The Reflective Educator

The Reflective Educator

One of the most pertinent aspects regarding the development of an individual who has been entrusted to a sports educator is the latter’s ability to help their protegees make choices that are both… Read more
The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm and Sport

The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm and Sport

In terms of Ignatian Pedagogy, experiencing one or more sports is a significant stepping-stone along the Paradigm trajectory in that it requires a very specific kind of emotional response (passion, sentiment, experience, etc…)… Read more


The theme of inclusion in sport has often been considered a purely “architectonic” issue, reduced to a consideration of the physical barriers and lack of access that people with disabilities face. This is… Read more