At the Social Institute of Turin, ‘A Lesson with Prof. Gustavo Zagrebelsky’

As educators, how can one cope with a continuously changing society, how can one relate to a class and address the daily problems of students? ‘A Lesson with Prof. Gustavo Zagrebelsky‘ is the meeting designed for all teachers who wish to discuss these topics. On Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, at 6:00 PM at the Social Institute of Turin, the Professor will discuss the sense of ‘making school’ and the need to make the space where words and pleasure meet, the lesson, more vibrant, drawing from his book ‘La lezione’ (The Lesson).
The evening, organized in collaboration with the Punto Einaudi at 280/A Francia in Turin, will be presented by Antonello Famà, Professor of Catholic Religion at the Social Institute, and moderated by Professor Luca Imperatore, Vice Principal of the high schools of the Institute, and Professor Giorgia Giaccardi, teacher of Greek and Latin.
Participation is free upon registration at the following link:; at the end of the meeting, a certificate of participation valid for professional development purposes under directive 170/2016 will be provided to the teachers.